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List of publications
- А.Н. Боровский, чл.-кор.РАН Н.Ф.Еланский, А.Я.Арабов, А.С.Елохов, И.А.Сеник, В.В.Савиных // Двуокись азота в атмосфере над Северным Кавказом: тридцать лет наблюдений. Доклады Академии наук, Геофизика, 2012, т, 446, № 3, с 1-7
- M. Artamonova, G. Golitsyn, I. Senik, A. Safronov, A. Babyakin, N. Efimenko, N.Povolotskaya, D. Topuriya, and E. Chalaya // The influence of regional urbanization and abnormal weather conditions on the processes of human climatic adaptation on mountain resorts.// Geophysical Research Abstracts. EGU2012-6103-1, 2012 EGU General Assembly, 2012 Vol. 14.download pdf (http://neespi.org)
- I. Senik, N. Elansky, The peculiarities of inter-annual variability of surface ozone at
Kislovodsk high mountain station (Northern Caucasus)/ Report 199, Second tropospheric ozone workshop “Tropospheric ozone changes: observations, state of understanding and model performances”, 11-13 april 2011, Toulouse, France/ Ed: M. G. Schultz, V. Thouret, 2011,Sep, p.151-155 http://mozaic.aero.obs-mip.fr/web/features/workshop.html.
- N.F. Elansky, I.A. Senik, A.Ya. Arabov, V.V. Savinykh, A.F. Dyachkov,
A.S. Elokhov, A.V Dzhola, E.I. Grechko, A.A. Isakov, V.Ya. Kolpakov,
V.N. Kozhevnikov, K.B. Moeseenko, N.B. Pankratova, S.A. Sitnov, V.Yu
Skornyakov, and A.V.Vivchar. Kislovodsk high-mountain station: results of long-term
atmospheric monitoring and future prospects //Symposium on Atmospheric
Chemistry and Physics at Mountain Sites. June 8-10, 2010 in
Interlaken, Switzerland. Paul Scherrer Institut. 2010. ÐP. 187-188
Senik, N. Elansky, N.Iljina,V.Kolpakov, V.Senik, V.Skornyakov.The effect of some dynamic processes on the variability and anomaly behavior of minor atmospheric components under high-mountain conditions //Symposium on Atmospheric
Chemistry and Physics at Mountain Sites. June 8-10, 2010 in
Interlaken, Switzerland. Paul Scherrer Institut. 2010. poster. download pdf
I.A.Senik. The result of spectral analysis application to the surface ozone variability at the North Caucasus.// Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.9, 11024, 2007, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-11024 download pdf (30 Kb)
I.A. Senik, N. F. Elansky, I. B. Belikov, L. V. Lisitsyna, V. V. Galaktionov, and Z. V. Kortunova. Main Patterns of the Temporal Variability of Surface Ozone in the Vicinity of the Town of Kislovodsk at 870 and 2070 m above Sea Level// Izvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, Vol.41, Suppl. 1, 2005, P. S-S67.V.41 2005. 67-79 download pdf (306 Kb)
V. Demin N. Elansky, I. Senik Free air foehn effects on ozone
concentration in the Khibiny and Caucasus Mountains // Geophysical
Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 05820, 2006S Ref-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU06-A-05820
Senik I.A., Elansky N.F., Pankratova N.V., and Moeseenko K.B., Surface ozone variation at two levels (2070m and 870m) in the regions of the Northern Caucasus. Proc. XX Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, Ed. Christos S. Zerefos, Vol. 2, 2004, p. 911-912
Nikolai F.Elansky, A.Ya. Arabov, Irina A.Senik, Gennady I.Kuznetsov , Irina N. Kuznetsova, Mikhail I.Beloglazova, Aleksey Yu.Karpechko, Zoya V. Kortunova, Roman Shuymsky, Oksana A. Tarasova, The Study of the Surface Ozone Variations of Different Time Scales at Some Regions of Russia // TOR-2 Annual Report 2002, ISS, Germany, P. 63-68, 2003.
O.A.Tarasova, N.F.Elansky, I.A.Senik, G. I.Kuznetsov, M.I.Beloglazov, A.Yu.Karpechko, The impact of Air Transport and Meteorological Processes on the Surface Ozone Variations at Kislovodsk High Mountain Station and Lovozero Site. // Proceeding from the EUROTRAC Symposium 2002, Eds. P.M.Midgley, and M.Reuther, Mergraf Verlag, Wiekershmeim, Germany, 2002, TOR07.1-5
O.A.Tarasova, N.F.Elansky, G.I.Kuznetsov, M.I.Beloglazova, I.A.Senik, Impact of Air Transport on seasonal Variations and Trends of Surface Ozone at Kislovodsk High Mountain Station.// Jour. Atm. Chem, 2003, V.45, P. 245-249.
Senik, I.A., Elansky, N.F. Surface Ozone Concentration Measurements at the Kislovodsk High-Altitude Scientific Station: Temporal Variations and Trend. Izvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2001. Vol. 37, Suppl. 1. P. S110-S119 download pdf (1550 Kb)
N.F.Elansky,T.A.Markova, I.A.Senik, G.I.Kuznetsov, O.A.Tarasova, M.I.Beloglazov, A.Yu.Karpechko, Z.V.Kortunova, and D.I.Olshansky. Surface Ozone in Remote, Rural and Urban Regions of Russia//EUROTRAC-2, TOR-2 Tropospheric Ozone Research, Annual Report 1999. 2001. P. 65-72.
Kuznetsova, I.N., Elansky, N.F., Senik, I.A., Measurements of the Tropospheric Ozone Concentration over the Kislovodsk High-Altitude Scientific Station: Synoptic-Scale Meteorological Process As a Cause of Ozone Variations, Izvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2001, Vol.37, Suppl. 1, , P. S120-S130 download pdf (2590 Kb)
N.F.Elansky, A.Ya.Arabov, I.A.Senik, G.I.Kuznetsov, O.A.Tarasova, M.I.Beloglazov, A.Yu.Karpechko, Z.V.Kortunova. The Features of Surface Ozone Variations in Remote, Rural and Urban Regions of Russia// TOR-2, Annual Report 2000, p. 72-76.
Elansky N.F., Senik I.A., Kuznetsova I.N., Harris J.M . Ten-year measurements of surface ozone concentration at the Kislovodsk mountain observatory// Proc. Quadr. Ozone Symp. Sapporo, Japan, 3-8 July 2000.
- Tarasova O. A., Senik I. A., Sosonkin M. G., Cui J., Staehelin J., Prévôt A. S. H..Surface ozone at the Caucasian site Kislovodsk High Mountain Station and the Swiss Alpine site Jungfraujoch: data analysis and trends (1990–2006). Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 4157–4175, 2009. P. 4157 – 4175 download pdf (7016 Kb)